Friday, August 18, 2006


I am amazed how suddenly Sorealism has erupted, from a thought to a movement, with it's very own website and now Blog.
Understanding that this train of thought is going to have a large Wiki element, I think it's true home is not just the internet or the official Sorealist website, but rather it's out there with you and me and the cosmos.

So what is Sorealism? Are you a Sorealist?

In order to understand the concept I feel one has to have experienced at least some kind of major life crisis; I mean if you haven't how can you see and feel the soreal, you wouldn't know the difference really would you.
Making the difficult choice to exclude a whole bunch of people does trouble me though, so if anyone can point me in a way that includes the non-damaged then let us know at this is like the Discovery Channel of Sorealism.

Sorealism is that trippy place where real life is stranger than fiction, where the true moments and places any decent artist who knows the address to visits and stays.
It's where we go to plunder and thieve from this crazy reservoir of life, death and atoms. Sorealist moments can be found by staring into a radom cloud formation, or appear to you in a really great tune, it's the place the lemon zest moment comes from, you know when you hear a truly staggering chord sequence and your hair goes on end.
It's kind of like Magic Realism, but without the crap magic...

See *



Below is the original Wikipedia entry, this is Soreal it may get deleted at any moment...


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Sorealism is a new wikimovement, founded by the composer Marcos D'Cruze and the writer Peter Jukes, in London in 2006. Like its 20th Century precursor - Surrealism - Sorealism claims not just be an art movement or literary school, but more "a way of life". [] is also the first known instance of such a movement starting online, using groupware and social networking to affiliate its members to a general ideology

Soreal Philosophies

Though sorealism claims to be less interested in ideas than 'reality', this is clearly an intellectual stance derived from English empiricist thought, and going back to the atomism of Lucretius and Epicurus. Suspicious of any a priori forms of thought, Sorealism is heavily influenced by the deductive methods of scientific analysis. On the sorrealism website [] Richard Feymann is in prominent position, along with Albert Camus and Isiah Berlin. Naturally, given the empiricist slant, sorealism feels most at home in the realm of history rather than ideology, and it claims kinship both to realist historians of the 20th century, and the more idealist claims of liberal historiography.

Sorealism in the Arts

Though it seems to have a lot in common with naturalism or realism in the arts, the main focus of Soreal visual aesthetics is photography. The web manifesto claims that this because 'reality is better than anything we can make up'. But given the backgrounds of the founders of sorealism, the visual arts - though heavily referenced - are not the main focus here. Both D'Cruze and Jukes have collaborated on several theatrical and musical projects, so there main area of interest is drama, film, music and literature. In a recent blog discussion, D'Cruze claimed that sorealism was invented to "reclaim all the plus points of magical realism, just minus the bad bits, the magic". A common thread between both founders, which links them back to the founders of surrealism, is a mutual admiration for flamenco, the concept of duende and the work of Federico Garcia Lorca. Lorca was close to one of the surrealist avatars, Salvador Dali, for several years, before eschewing the increasingly shrill and controlling concepts of surrealism for something much more accessible and superficially realist in his later works. He is in many ways the main precursor of sorealism.

Sorealism and Science

Science is the sorealist method par excellence in that it uses doubt, hypothesis and proof: it is an open ended system in the classic topology of Popper, and therefore open to revision and improvement in the light of experience. One of the major claims of Sorealism is that it can, in the words of Jukes "unite both the arts and the sciences". They argue that belief, doubt and reinvention is the mental equivalent of natural selection in the evolutionary sphere, and their image of cultural propagation is not that dissimiliar to the memes concept of Richard Dawkins. However, it must be pointed out that both founders are practitioning entertainers or artists, and therefore their ideas of evolution are probably more 'creative' than exact.

Sorealism and Politics

Though there are some references to sorealist history and sorealist politicians in the website manifesto, there is no clear political line in sorealism as yet. This may not be a coincidence. The unfortunate alignment of surrealism with communism, thanks to pressure of Andre Breton provokes some of the more intense debate among sorealists: are they just creating an in-group which will exclude others, much like Breton excluded Bataille, or Freud excluded Jung. The Sorealist Movement claims to be the first ever wiki movement, and has an open manifesto than can be edited and revised much like wikipedia. But is this kind of openness really self defeating? Can you have a definable movement that doesn't define itself more concretely?

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